Global Seaways provides enhanced services to achieve quality Crewing.
Claims Handling
All legal matters concerning the Crew are handled via our company’s Legal Department and P&I’s associated Legal Advisors.
Legal Assistance
Apart from claims, Global Seaways will provide legal assistance for all other matters in connection with Crewing upon Principal’s Request.
Various CBA Agreements
Global Seaways has arranged direct Agreements with various Unions worldwide, such as ITF, IMEC, MATEU etc. to ensure Principal’s and Seaman’s Protection at reasonable cost.
Filing of Flag Endorsements
Global Seaways is approved filing Agent for Major Flags enabling full handling and quick issuance of Flag Certificates.
Web Database
Global Seaways Group Companies own a Web Database Program used throughout our offices worldwide.
Customer Web Access
We provide our Web Program to our Principals enabling them to have instant access to important data such as Crew Data and copies of their documents, Crew Lists, Rotation Plan, KPI’s etc.
VoIP Services
Through our VoIP Services we provide our Principals communication at no cost.